Ta-er al-Asfer

Justice for Triplett, yo. He was always cheery and funny.

We all deserve Trip 2.0

She definitely has much better defined motivations.

When I saw Madame Hydra standing in front of that iconic glass elevator, I thought immediately, "Damn, I wish Daisy would blast her right out of the - HOLY SHIT, SHE FUCKING DID IT!"

Very cool show.

The only recent comparison is the Star Trek show.

"We want to hire a young, talented group of actors.

omg please

I wish I could be in the casting room for the parade of butts while casting DIck Grayson.

I mean, Black Lightening is getting a show. No one can seem to say no to Berlanti.

Tudyk deserves better

They just announced another live-action Greg Berlanti DC hero show - Titans

If this is how he gets his kicks, why wouldn't he just apply to be a DEO agent?

That was a great interview. That kid is passionate as hell.

Get out of my brain, intruder

that sound effect of the vampire screaming was fabulous - I hope someone got a raise for it. It's the Wilhelm scream of the 90's - fight me.

Max Theriot is beautiful, but he always looks like he's on the verge of tears. Tremendous performance.

Very lovely and sad. As Alex says, everything felt inevitable, and all the better and tragic for it.

Yeah, but as the episode explained, crime is way down. It's a beautiful CGI city with no crime, so it's not like it has Gotham levels of affordable real estate.

Baking supplies are expensive, especially when you have to keep throwing the shit out! Get your shit together, Kara!