Ta-er al-Asfer

Agreed. The reason season one works worked was the whole vibe of Supergirl being a decent person, a hero.

What apartments actually look like if you make less than 70k.

The least realistic aspect in an episode with nanobots and alien crime fighters.

Why did the makeup team make her look exactly like the vampires from Buffy? Someone needs to investigate this.

Smallville's lack of ambition is its biggest weakness. Give me some shoddy prosthetics and goofy CG on an episode of Angel that successfully tells a story about an apocalypse plaguing Los Angeles over Smallville being gun-shy about a fucking red cape.

I initially thought, "Wow, it looks weird that she isn't reacting to fire" and then realized, duh, "she's Supergirl, that's the point."

Elle Torres is the great, unsung hero of modern television.

I don't even necessarily blame the actor. His whole arc has been baffling since the writers quickly and mercifully killed the romance plot from season one.

As someone who grew up on Buffy (and will grow old on Buffy), I think it's a wonder how good special affects are these days. Those little metal murderers looked awesome - we take for granted how cool a CW TV show can look on a nothing budget.

Holy shit, was he armed?

If Supergirl steals what works from Superman stories - like Arrow with Batman - I'm totally fine with it.

Oh, and Rahul Kohli is a star. I'm glad that the CW knows what a gift he is. I'm praying he gets cast in a Star Wars or Marvel flick and hits it big.

I liked this a bunch. It was the perfect amount of Mon-El. Chris Wood is excessively charming, and he works best playing Mon-El as goofball, supportive boyfriend.

I'm hoping tonight was a line in the sand, narratively, for Luisa. She's a great character/actress who has been trapped in the telenovela aspects of this show. If we never see Rose again, I would only be angry because all of the actresses who played her are great. Narratively, the character is too ridiculous to stick

the narrator was *filthy* tonight - I loved it

I felt like the show was rewarding the fans with all the abs this episode. God bless.

"You're in a long-term relationship with grief."

"Santa just IS white."


This, Spider-Woman, and Ant-Man all getting canceled is a huge loss. These books have big personalities and big laughs.