Ta-er al-Asfer

Honestly can't believe how much they fucked up. And then Marvel rewarded him with the Inhumans. He's failing upward.

Lana has the best trajectory. Critics pounced on her, and then she responded by hit album,by hit song, by critically acclaimed work. Girl is cool as shit.

I think there's definitely room for this type of show, light on superheroics and more on teen angst. Might not be for me, but at some point I'll have to not watch every live action Marvel property.

I'm a bleeding heart homo liberal, and even I was like "Jesus, dude, why are you even watching this?"

Yup! I bet the actor guest stars before the season's over.


I think part of it is that there are too many qualiy shows nowadays. Shows like Buffy and Angel, some of my favorite shows of all time, had entire first seasons to find their way. No one would have the patience for that in 2017.

I loved Hunter. Why can't we have both?

Lol, oh you poor little thing

Yeah, I sort of wish they'd stop being such dicks to Ward. How can Jemma say in one breath that Ward doesn't exist and then in another treat this computer program like he did her wrong?

It's clearly and not even subtly commenting on Trump's administration.

I would love for a poster of Cap in full HYDRA costume in the background in one scene.

Mike, do yourself a favor and shut the fuck up. A character actually said, "Nevertheless, she persisted." It's in there. It's political.

The main character's name is basically Seig Heil

Both. I'm a vodka man.


How long is that header photo gonna stick around the front page and gross me the fuck out?

Jennifer Garner threw her career away for dumb kids and a philandering husband. She could have spent that time making movies so that *I'm* happy.

so this is definitely introducing Mothra, right?

You OK, boo?