Ta-er al-Asfer

Wasn't the critical response to the Netflix series basically, "I mean, it's nice to have these characters back, but…."?

If it makes you feel any better, she's rich and famous and you will never be.

He ain't woke, he broke.

This whole thing you're doing is a bad look.

His mug shot is a FRIGHT.

I agree completely, but I promise you I'll be back here to bitch about the next one *shrug*

It's just so mean-spirited from the get-go, and I love a good tearing down. But I think you nailed it. It's not like a funny roast of a popular song, it's more this sad descent into a comedian's neuroses aimed squarely at an innocuous radio hit. It's so much weird, angry energy focused at the dumbest target. And then

I'll take twelve Great Job, Internets for one fucking HateSong, truly the shittiest feature ever dreamed up by this website.

Watching her performance is so unnerving because she reminds me so much of my mom. Every time Hannah disappoints her, I feel guilty.

I don't think it's clear exactly how Australia will be incorporated. From this episode alone, the only sequences in Australia were the flashback and the flashforward.

That's how I felt at first and then grew to love it.

Dat butt exquisite

It's come a long way from season one, which was excellent but almost unbearably depressing.

He or she is right, though. Just, like, don't listen to them?

The hypocrisy gives me nosebleeds.

You must be fun at parties.

Gosh, such a hot take

As a huge fan of the show and first movie, Sex and the City 2 is a travesty.

Ultron doesn't deserve the reputation it has.

It was lousy because it was directed by a woman?