Ta-er al-Asfer

Kingsmen is like Kick-Ass, miserable and childish.

The singer is cute, at least.

Dem abs

I'm just glad they confirmed it. I was worried that the show expected the audience to not clock that heinous wig.

Like, they were probably all like, "who tf is this shifty-looking adult man?"


Hot take, but at room temp

Christ, which one? Both are terrible in different ways.

CGI wolves. Eek.

I remember playing the shit out of the Game Boy Advance game that was ostensibly an adaptation of the movie, even though the movie came out about a year after the game.

I can never tell the fucking robots apart.

It's not the worst movie in the world, but I remember seeing X-Men: The Last Stand in theaters.

You never miss an opportunity, do you?

Honestly, that's probably his best movie.

omg baby JoJo; Christ I didn't realize she was in that. Or even acted?

The Hobbit trilogy is baffling. I have no idea how that happened.

Aww, I like that flick. Underrated.

Most of the writers on AV Club were born in the 80s or later.

I saw that in theaters, too, unfortunately. That is an ugly, baffling movie that was marketed as a stylish action flick.

God bless you and these rankings.