Ta-er al-Asfer

They're dying his hair, which was really obvious in the pilot but seems to look pretty good since then.

Meh. They both suck.

Explains her attraction to him.

Honestly, I wouldn't hate it, unless it somehow de-fanged Cheryl.

It's honestly impossible to pick a favorite female character on this show. Betty, Veronica, and Cheryl are all so fun, and obviously Alice Cooper is kooky perfection.

Jesus Christ, I hope that happens.

Ditto to Petsch selling the shit out of the insane lines they give her.

Between that and "scatter, my vixens" I rewound and rewatched that scene about twelve times.

Am I the only one who thinks the actor who plays her dead brother is creepy as shit?

"On the one hand, Archie was an idiot"

LaToya's my favorite AV Club writer.

I probably cackle more watching Riverdale than any other show, which is really the highest praise I can give it.

It's funny that the actor for Kevin looks like he's even huger than Apa, so they constantly drape him in sweaters to hide that fact.

I'm bummed by how little Kevin is getting to do, and the Pussycats are barely characters.

Blandsome. He's blandsome.

This show would elevate from really good to perfection if Archie turned out to be the killer.

God bless this ridiculous show.

By default, Tiffany is the best Trump.

He thinks it's a documentary on the White House leaks.

Is it on VOD yet? I have heard great things.