Ta-er al-Asfer

I'm honestly curious how they're going to handle Black Bolt. Wouldn't his talking basically ruin the character?

I genuinely don't understand how you go from having thoughtful things to say in the DCCW show comments, but as soon as there's a Marvel newswire you turn into a total twat.

Oh, dear, you're on one of your tears.

You OK?

Do premieres bring in those numbers any more? I remember the Lost pilot was an event.

Don't try to limit my experience.

SHIELD is excellent these days. Shame about that first season.

I can't believe that Marvel looked at Iron Fist and said, "Great work, Scott Buck. Now you can oversee this expensive IMAX show."

Which is a shame, because Bee and Colbert and Seth Meyers and many others are delivering excellent take downs.

Nobody asked.

Ivanka and her husband are fucking snakes.

I hope you get hit by a car.

You contribute nothing to society.

Such a Katherine thing to say!

I like how you wrap insane and baseless lies in a soft blanket of "we're doing this to protect the (fictional) children!"

You're adorable


I imagine you're very easy to delete.

That's a really great point. Quentin isn't so bad these days, but he started out as a very compelling piece of shit, which Fucking Iron Fist never quite achieved with Danny.

A Syfy show with a not huge budget still managed to animate a dragon, but Iron Fist couldn't bother.