Ta-er al-Asfer

AXIS was hot garbage.

Those listicles are fucking trash.

She-Hulk was SO GOOD.

His X-Factor reboot was not very good.


Did Remender get chased out of Marvel? It seemed like he was a fairly prominent figure and then he disappeared.

Those are his powers. That's why the Shadow King possessed him in the first place, to get his hands on those powers.


I can't believe Greg Land keeps penciling X-Men books. He's the worst.

I'm genuinely bummed that Spider Woman ended. It has been such a fantastic book.

It's a running joke among my friends that she wore a blonde wig to conceal blonde hair.

Bitch, learn how to write a sentence properly before making value judgments on others.

I'm not making a case. Calm down.

Wow, this is sad. You are so little, so petty.

Trust me, boo, I won't think about him the moment I close this tab on my computer. Spend your money as you must.

Again, I don't disagree with you even a little bit.

"But other people have done, crimes, too!"

Am I doing anything wrong saying, "Fuck Chris Brown" every time he shows his face in polite society. No, I'm not. He paid his debt legally, but I welcome every time he's treated like a pariah, because he's a piece of shit.

"Sorry I "fucked up" when I beat the living shit out of you. My bad :-/"

Yes, the reviewer is exactly like the serial rapist. You're really reaching here, buddy.