Ta-er al-Asfer

"I like that he pisses allot of people off it really makes me happy to see so many people unhappy"

'LOL he beat a woman to within an inch of her life LOL'

I wouldn't say it's anywhere near as ambitious or thrilling as season two.

Rory was a nice guy, and the Ragman is really powerful (and terrifying). I wonder if a hero with that sort of firepower would make more sense on, say, Legends, than Arrow.


I can't read The Mary Sue any longer because they pay their writers in Joss hit pieces.


No satisfaction until someone beats Chris Brown to within an inch of his life. Karma, yo.

Manny, what are your thoughts on this?

Holy shit, I remember when they announced that.

Willa Holland and Paul Blackthorne are two of the better actors IMO

This is a bummer. I was hoping Whedon would go back to working on original content. To have him reach into the factory works of the DCCU only to pull back a mangled hand seems masochistic after his experience filming Age of Ultron.

I prefer Age of Ultron to the first Avengers - come at me, bro!


Maybe Mommy Luthor and Mommy El will team up to fight Supergirl?

I'm in the minority in thinking that David Ramsey, while likable, isn't very good at acting.

I really wish that this season would have underlined that Dig and Dog are using tranqs, because it's distracting watching them fill henchmen with lead.

Black Siren would be a nice foil for Sara on Legends.

Supergirl is really lacking a central season threat and theme.