Ta-er al-Asfer

Rip is terrible.

As a rule, this show could learn from Alias. And it has this season - embrace the fun!

And ruin a piano?

She's genuinely obsessed. It's baffling.

Yikes. You need to slow down. You seem crazy.

She loves to come here, insult everyone, and then cry out, "I'm being attacked!"

I highly doubt anyone has ever voluntarily kept a picture of you.

We spotted Jenna from day one.

What personal issues do you have that you take out on a network television show? I'm curious about your specific damage.

… No.

Oh, you sour, sad little thing.

Candice Patton is way too good to be wasting her skills on this shit three seasons in.

Ollie's stupidity rarely rewrites reality.

Your personal life, such as it is, must be miserable.

"They're on back order, so prop her up until we get a fresh one."

I'm trying to keep my expectations low for the musical. Not every show can pull off a "Once More, With Feeling" or "The Bitter Suite."

"It wasn't strangulation, officer. I was teaching him alternative breathing."

You already know too much!

It's been real, y'all.

I'm not saying *I* would assassinate our president. I'm saying I *hope* he gets assassinated.