Ta-er al-Asfer

He bragged about getting away with sexual assault and got elected. At this point, the only thing that could take down Trump is a well-aimed bullet.

We're honestly not, though.

… K.

I hope you never raped anyone, you sick fuck.

It wasn't a misguided adventure. It was rape.

Why are you screaming?

You can't be taken seriously if you use 'SJW' non-ironically.


It's always been like that. Try to pay attention.

In the apartment Hannah has?

People are still alive from the seventies?

didn't Lego Batman do well?

I doubt he's a millionaire, to be fair.

How the fuck does he keep getting these gigs?

All that stretching for martial arts training made it a breeze to get his foot stuck in his mouth.


How the fuck does Hannah live in NYC with 24k a year???

You're welcome.


Maybe, get over it?