Ta-er al-Asfer

Iron Fist is really turning out to be the Hello, Whore of Marvel.

You realize they don't get those episodes ahead of time, right?

Good grief.

You need a time out.

The first season was a pleasant surprise.


… oh, dear

You're a bully.

The fight scene in the finale was utterly embarrassing. There's no excuse for that shit in 2016.

I honestly think if they had cast a Hispanic actor - preferably one with a history in martial arts - this whole conversation wouldn't be happening.

I think DD was just so good that it didn't need mentioning? Plus "guilty Irish Catholic who is blind" is different from "sad sack rich white dude"

OH, you scamp!

Yeesh. Really hoping they saved energy/budget for the latter half of the season.

Somebody needs to stop this guy from giving interviews.

classic Barb

Scorching hot take, pal.


Can we all agree that "Buffy Week" at the AV Club has been a big disappointment?

Rachel Bilson

Dania Ramirez