Ta-er al-Asfer

"Janey's got a gun. Janey Brigg's got a gun."

… k

Hiring him in the first place was shoddy. The more infamous he got, the closer to exposing himself to the greater public he got.

Feel better?

Flaccid take. Next time, champ.

I guess you're probably right. I tend to think most people have the capacity for decency, but this country elected Trump, so it's hard to be the glass half full guy.

Ok so he's definitely a rape victim, and he seemed to think what happened to him was consensual cuz he thought, at 13 years old, he could reasonably consent. "I was the predator," he says, and I'm paraphrasing.

Yikes, you think there could be more than pedophilia?

It's honestly too precious and delightful.

*scorching hot take*

Milo was always going to be a detriment to the gay community.

"Some of my closest friends are children oh shit wait."

That prick would.

He went from getting coddled on Bill Maher's show and then getting the keys to CPAC.

AND Simon and Schuster dropped his book.

AND Simon and Schuster dropped his book.

Playing the victim card, too. What a cuck.

I mean, it's a picture of him and it's called Dangerous, and he is in a pedophile controversy. This has to be the most obvious cancellation decision ever.

What does this have to do with Salon?