Ta-er al-Asfer

So you don't have anything to actually say about this issue.

Curious to see if this is enough to get his book canceled.

Consistent morality isn't something you'll find on the right and certainly not the alt-right.

In other news:


Isn't "raping white women" the ultimate boogey man for racists.

Buzz, why do you even bother?

He's so fucking lazy and stupid. It's remarkable.

Every one of the fuckwits at that rally deserves Trump and everything that happens next.

This doesn't look great, and I really want it to be.

Brianna is the best.

"Dance, Benjamin! Dance!"

Affleck doesn't even want to do it.

More inane opinions from Buzz. Yay!


The fucking Elektra movie. Ugh.

I'm still bummed Salt never turned into a franchise.

Phil you crazy up in here

What a fucking lunatic. The amount of delusion it takes to think "what a great press conference that was!" is unfathomable.

lol oh sweetie