Ta-er al-Asfer

What happened?

You need that many people to keep up with his spewing bullshit.

I think the cast has great chemistry. Eliot and Margo are just hilarious.

I'm not really sure what mass cloud of "Left strategic thinking" is supposed to prevent some angry college kids from angrily protesting on their own campus.

He had her on because he loves hot conservative women. It's his thing.

As I said yesterday, I would be A-OK with this if Milo were going to be a part of the panel, and therefore would have to defend himself in front of everybody. But instead he's getting the initial one-on-one interview, where he can cycle through his talking points.

I liked in seasons one and two when they would focus on the people of the Glades. It gave the city character.

That Del Mundo book was bonkers, in the best way. I still think Zeb Wells writes the best Elektra. Dark Reign: Elektra is fantastic.

I'm glad they updated her look.

And yet here we are, arguing. Funny, that.

"Wake up, sheeple!"


Ugh, her hair sucks FRANCHISES RUINED

It's why Nyssa should be a regular on Arrow, because her introduction was incremental and viewers liked her enough to be a full team member.

It would be fine if he only called Lance that, but he also called Curtis "Hoss," which… makes no goddamned sense.

God, I miss Angel.

I think the Bertinelli family was mentioned earlier this season, too.

The school shooting episode was a new low.

Trudeau can cameo.
