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    Hand me a can of PBR and say it with me:
    "I'm white trash, and I'm IN TROUBLE".

    She's definitely child-like...to the point where watching the sex scenes in the movie (as mild as they are) kinda feels pedophiliac. I think it's probably intentionally played up to make her seem more of an innocent being taken advantage of by (45 year old spoiler alert!) the Satanists. After she cuts her hair, she

    Can we compromise on white converse? High tops, of course.
    We're going for a "summer look" here.

    Channeling Ricki Lake over here!

    I'll have to wait until they make a knock-off to sell at the Family Dollar, but when the time comes, I'll send pics.

    I have a dirty confession...I think these dresses are cute as shit. They remind me of the shifts Mia Farrow wore in Rosemary's Baby.

    But alas, I am poor, fat, white trash. Maybe if I throw a NASCAR jacket over one of them?

    Having my first at age 34. Conceived via the old "we're not NOT trying to get pregnant" method after about 5 or 6 months of not NOT trying.

    Maybe they just removed the cyst and not the entire ovary? I'm just speculating, it really doesn't matter! In any case, congratulations on your miraculous body!

    Zhang Ziyi would be my pick. She's probably technically too old, but she has a very youthful appearance. And she's a huge star in her own right.

    A tantrum is not what we are talking about.

    Is that sarcasm? Please say that’s sarcasm.

    Thank you for clarifying. Sometimes I miss things like that, so I do appreciate when people point out the details :)

    I just snarfed, thank you.

    I agree with you. What he did is horrible, and anything less than a life sentence is unjustifiable. It was a terrorist act of pure mayhem.

    But I also remember what I was like a 21, a boiling mess of hot emotions and anger. I poured all my feelings into (objectively terrible) art. It breaks my heart that this kid won't

    Can anyone who speaks legal-ease please explain this sentence to me?

    Can someone please

    YES. My cat does this on the regular if I leave a cup of water on the bedstand. No matter where I leave that cup, it is going to wind up splashing ice cold water across my face while I'm dead asleep, saturating my pillow, and making me shriek like a child.

    Even though my stint in the food-service industry was limited to McDonalds as a teenager and very part time position at a specialty bread shop, I love reading these.

    I am the queen of child-bearing ambivalence. Hell, I am halfway through my first (and only) pregnancy with a caring, supportive partner and still thinking "maybe this isn't such a good idea".

    I can totally picture myself freaking out and leaving my family to run away and become a drifter or something. I wonder if

    this reminds me of how the bene gesserit in the Dune books are able to choose both the time of their conception and the sex of their fetus due to their trained capacity for controlling every aspect of their biology (including those aspects which are usually autonomic).