Thanks. :)
Thanks. :)
Just use conditioner and be done with it. If you massage your wet scalp, you don’t need to shampoo every day. I use conditioner every time I shower, but only shampoo about twice a week.
Agreed, my hair is curly and dry and my hair looks best with co-washing. I think we’ve been trained to think that not using shampoo is gross.
lol, this sounds like hot bullshit. It’s probably some kind of skin allergy, because people slather on mystery goo without looking at the ingredients, especially if they’ve been assured it’s “natural”. Lotion does not become “impacted in one’s pores”. You can wash your hair every damn day with oil based conditioners…
totally, i can see why you would think that, but Wen is really just fancy conditioner. People in curly hair online communities have been co-washing (the term for washing hair with conditioner) for a long time. And though you wouldn’t think that would make your hair clean... it does. For me, at least.
I don’t use wen, I use nourish conditioner from TJs but use basically the same exact method and I did start to lose more hair. I started shampooing with a regular, gentle shampoo once a weekish and the shedding has gone back to normal.
It’s not, though. Pert Plus is a shampoo/conditioner combo. There’s no shampoo in Wen.
Yeah. My hair is curly and sucks up moisture, so regular shampoo (which I admit, I still use infrequently - maybe once a month or so) just dries it out and makes it fuzzy and feel brittle. My hair behaves best when I use Wen - and I’ve tried other cleansing conditioners but they don’t seem to work quite as well for…
Huh. I mean... I use Wen. Haven’t experienced this. I really like it actually. I don’t lose more hair with it than with any other hair cleansing product I’ve used.
Perhaps. But it’s been proven that even in cases in which women work as many or more hours then men, they’re still expected to do the housework.
I used to comment regularly on Jezebel for years (under a different name) and stopped because of the feeling the author describes when someone she assumed would be an ally made her feel unwelcome.
On a second date about ten years ago, I said to the guy sitting across from me, “So, I like you, you’re totally awesome. But I’m not looking just for a fun time, I’m looking for a long term relationship. I mean, I’m dating other people and I’m not saying we have to be serious, but generally speaking I’m ready to…
My imaginary boyfriend is Nathan Fillion. He is perfect in all sorts of ways.
Like, I don’t even understand her face, you guys.
I think you’re right but I’m reluctant to use the term “female privilege” since the reason the sentence is so light is because of patriarchical ideas about women’s sexual agency. So the paradox is, female sex offenders benefit from those ideas because specifically because they’re not privileged.
“She gained her weight from a bad place.”
As the child of a mother who abused me relentlessly for being fat, policed everything I ate, and turned my relationship with food into a shame filled binge routine, you can go fuck yourself. I’ve had 10 years of therapy and still have to battle this crap every day. You have zero idea what she’s been through or what…
What is it with assholes who think everything is a zero sum game. No “thinspo” people, there is no backlash against you just because we are moving closer towards all body types acceptance. Furthermore, whatever shit you get is not because you are thin, it’s because you viciously ridicule anybody who doesn’t uphold…
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