Taehyung Kwon

Yes, let's talk about old, non changing events on "news." I'm sure that would be incredibly valuable. "Day 221: Reactor still radioactive. Day 222: Reactor still radioactive... Day 366: Reactor still radioactive."

So that stuff that's happening in the Middle East and the rest of the world is just not important to you in your little corner of Canada? Very narrow minded. That's akin to saying "screw those Africans, I'm not starving" or "those Arabs and their democracy shenanigans".

It doesn't have a replaceable battery, according to Engadget. This means that you'll have to either live with a terrible battery span or you will have to give up the thinness to slap on a fat battery pack.

You're "hilarious." You should have tried one before commenting.

Jesus Christ. That's identical, right down to the notch where you open the screen. Samsung, there's a reason why even Galaxy S fans have no respect for you.

Where'd the magazine go?

Some might say that the two are mutually inclusive.

It's definitely not bulletproof.

I get the feeling her head is toppling over because 1) toddlers already have frighteningly large heads and 2) the camera is too heavy.

Why not just three physical doors? If a terrorist tries to break through, he'll have three times the work. If he tries the blow the door off, the two other doors will neutralize the overpressure and explosion and also prevent the terrorist from gaining access to the cockpit.

This thing is really close to the i7-2720QM Macbook Pros in GeekBench benchmarks. Scary. It's not lacking in power.

It's possibly because Samsung makes a line of "Any-XXXX" products. For example, the Anycall is a series of cheap flip phones manufactured by Samsung.


Desktop GPUs already have trouble animating that high of a resolution. I doubt that any tablet will be able to run anything at that high resolution of a display.

This doesn't look anything like a shell casing.

That scrolling front door looks like easy meat for my chainsaw.

Step One: Apple shit became popular. Step Two: Apple makes their services work well with their shit. Step Three: People use Apple services on their Apple shit.

This is exactly how iPad became the tablet dominator. When iPad 1 came out, other manufacturers puked out shitty tablets to piggyback on the iPad's popularity.

Most people who have a wide range of friends and a blooming social life find themselves on Facebook for obscene amounts of time. Like me.

Crysis 2 would happen.