I'm waiting for people who don't like it and don't play it to stop leaving THIS EXACT SAME BORING-ASS COMMENT on every Destiny story
I'm waiting for people who don't like it and don't play it to stop leaving THIS EXACT SAME BORING-ASS COMMENT on every Destiny story
That just means she's trained to hide it. You're clearly bad at conspiracy theories.
"A music minister who works with NASCAR, Richard Sniffen, was called by Driscoll on the night of the attack."
Don't worry about it (assuming you're not trying to be sarcastic in apology); I had a slight feeling you trying to a make a certain point, and my comment just happened to be a decent landing port for it. No harm, no foul. Just try not to sound so high and mighty in your introductions.
No, no, it's about ethics in journalism.
Every talented female or minority will be assumed to be less qualified than their white male peers.
Eminem wrote his own shit, talked about his own life, and never pretended to be black.
Thank you for reminding me about him, if only for this song alone:
To answer your question, the ADS doesn't feel different from Standard Halo zooming. I use the simply named "Halo 4" control scheme, which puts the Smart Scope button on the thumbstick ala classic halo, and It hasn't changed my approach in any way. As I had hoped, the feature is mostly aesthetic for weapons that…
This was really amazing. I'll be sure to keep my eye out for your book when it comes.
This was a cleverly written, clearly unbiased and well informed response.
There's also this video about his parents, which is sad and awesome all at the same time...
I know it's shallow, but I love her spectacles. She's one of those people who is SO gorgeous, I suspect in real life I would be unable to look directly at her, like the sun.
Here he is on an episode of QI. I had never heard of him before this, but I (and Stephen, and Sandi) were quite impressed.
No one can argue that there isn't enough content for a game of it's size and budget, but I get so frustrated at people who act like it's a bad game. If it was bad, millions of people wouldn't still be sinking hours and hours into it. Is it repetitive? Sure, but it's not bad. If it wasn't still fun, people wouldn't…
This Destiny outfit really nails the look (and movements) of the game's Exos. Not only does it capture all their…
And that is it.