Tad Whatever

The article was updated … the "like 100 times" thing was added after I posted.

"An air of implicit naughtiness is a lot more effective when they haven't already seen you naked,"

No mention of that Hall & Oates album he produced? I feel ripped off.

Ah yes, STARFLIGHT ONE, the movie also known as (I sh!t you not) STARFLIGHT: THE PLANE THAT COULDN'T LAND. Lots of stupid stuff happens in that movie, including Space Shuttles landing and relaunching several times in one day, and some totally made up Space Shuttle called "XU5" or something shows up at the end.

People might actually have to learn to play guitar now.

The best part was after she allowed an assassination attempt to happen, she just sort of shrugged it off and went home to bake a birthday cake for her son. I'm sure her superiors were cool with that.

All I know about them is they inspired Lois Lane to become a black woman.

But does he only do cameos from Monday to Friday?