Mercedes McQueen's Apple Core

I thought I read she had her sights set on a party school until her parents insisted on USC.

Now playing

It is true that “both sides” see themselves as the logical and rational side. They’re not, tho. People like Ben Shapiro claim to be great debaters by insisting that “facts matter” when they say trans people aren’t real, that your chromosomes are the only thing that determine your gender, but when he says that he’s

This exactly. I like her policy focus and whenever she talks about her policy ideas, I like her a lot but that DNA test really made me worry about how she would handle campaign stumbles.

He would heavily recommend Amlactin as a daily moisturizer, saying it’s the only thing with enough AHAs he’s found to be effective. The main thing I remember was him saying it’d fight pre-cancer in the skin, which is a big concern where I live, but as a side benefit would be really effective against wrinkles and my

What about alpha hydroxy acid? My dermatologist was big on that (until he retired) and specificalyl Amlactin. Then again, he was also big on Blue Lizard sunscreen and I found that did not live up to the hype (he said it would block out sun so well I might need to start taking vitamin D, I still got tan lines at my

Wasn’t there one where the designers were tasted to work with other designers’ loved ones? I remember someone being really cruel to their model in that one. You should see the model as a real person anyway but in that case it was worse because the model’s daughter could see one of her competitors bully her mother for

Oh, Big Brother and the hamsters who think they’re superfans because they watched the handful of tapes producers gave them.

I haven’t watched TAR or PR in years but in the last few seasons I watched there’s always been a point where one has to drive stick or design for a plus size model. If you want to win you really should be expecting this.

Tho with TAR, I can see watching the show and thinking you could win by being smarter and less fit than the other constestants. I haven’t watched in a few years but the challenges usually test a variety of abilities so it’s possible to hope you’ll get a puzzle that you finish in 10 minutes while the fit teams struggle

I am so jealous of that person off-camera who is laughing with her at the bloopers.

I’d say the gun nut conspiracy theorists are mostly white men but you can add a lot of white women (frequently rich white women so you can still go with the privilege theory) who believe the various conspiracy theories about how scientists are hiding the truth that vaccines are bad.

They’re a good way to rationalize confirmation bias, too. In this case it’s, ‘Guns aren’t a problem. The problem is a conspiracy to make it look like guns are a problem so I can’t have my own guns.’

I have a friend who believes in vaccines but she empathises with the part of anti-vax culture that is reacting to dismissive health care professionals. After one of her kids was vaccinated, he was crying nonstop for days. She called the doctor’s office several times to say something seemed really wrong and every time

Yeah, I don’t think it makes the Peppa Pig team raging sexists. Whoever wrote that slipped up and reverted to old patriarchal norms and the London Fire Brigade reminded them why it’s important to remember to use the correct term, since it can have a role in shaping how a girl will imagine who she can grow up to become.

One of the moments that stuck with me from the second season was when they were playing “Twist of Fate” at the prom because I remembered how huge that song was at the time even though it’s disappeared from the 80s nostalgia.

I learned about her from The Verge’s profile and now I’m always so excited to see there’s a new video.

It looks like “stairs to nowhere” do have one elevator, from the looks of the pictures of the comments of this Gizmodo post.

Reading the recap of his past shittiness, he sounds familiar but even then I’m not sure I’m not mixing him up with another annoying boy YouTuber. If we gotta talk about YouTubers can we talk about someone like Natalie Wynn instead?

And then there are cases like Cameron Todd Willingham where a tragic accident was turned into a lurid case by investigators using outdated science. He wasn’t just wrongfully executed, he was wrongly executed for deaths that were very likely terrible luck, not any major criminal wrongdoing.

I’ve been doing a RHOOC watch from the beginning (that and NJ were the two big ones I never watched) and hoo-boy I’m thinking about how entitled the kids are on that show... especially when I read about how some of these kids were all ‘I don’t know if I want to go to college, it doesn’t sound fun’ after their parents