Mercedes McQueen's Apple Core

What I’ve seen him say on the matter has doesn’t seem to understand anything beyond thinking that something was taken from him and he wants it back.

Most likely, he’s had enough self-control around Ellen and Portia to get a ‘He’s always been civil around us, so why would he have hate for queer people who don’t have the power to do him favors?’ mindset.

I’ve seen that apology tweet after he lost the Oscar gig that sounded like it wasn’t written by him. Everything else he’s said has basically been, ‘These people are just doing it to bring me down and I don’t deserve it rants. That’s not in the vicinity of an apology because it doesn’t even demonstrate that he

I don’t really watch New Years shows anymore but I started to again with Anderson and Cathy’s second year. (Part of it is I don’t like the delay or watching the countdown before midnight, so they’re less fun to me if I’m no on the east coast.) I don’t like Cohen so I was out.

Here’s an attempt at a simple explanation. Basically, marginal tax rates mean that rate only applies to the income at that level.

He was in charge of development at Bravo and is an EP on the Real Housewives shows so basically he made himself famous. I’m mad at everyone that went along with it and appalled that WWHL is what we get when we finally see an out gay man host a popular talk show.

Honestly, I think that’s what scares a lot of right wing operatives about her. She’s solid at articulating policy and has a personality. They tried hard to make President Obama’s charisma a liability and that was the one thing they couldn’t make stick... because just listen to him talk.

Thanks, I recall a friend telling me they were pretty much broken up during the Obama administration. Thanks for the link.

There are a couple of PoC in supporting roles but that summarizes why the show got more uncomfortable to me as I watched. Then there was an online ruckus because Abbi and Ilana ‘Yasss kween’ed Margaret Thatcher (and Guy Branum decided to, cringingly, defend them and Thatcher) and I decided I could watch shows that

I don’t know if its true any more but back during the VHS boom of the 90s, the people who sold “Mockbusters” — cheaply-made movies designed to confuse people into buying them thinking they’re a more popular movie, like “Sinister Squad” coming out on video while “Suicide Squad” was in theatresdidn’t even have to

It means when she puts her phone down at family events, she delivers a “This better be worth spending time not developing my #brand” glare to everyone.

That was my thought, “only moms” is a huge demographic. It would be smaller if you think only recent moms would be interested in hearing about childbirth injuries but that would still be a large potential audience.

There are devices that can’t play it. The story flows seamlessly because both videos are cached so the transition is invisible, but apparently not all versions of the Netflix app have that functionality (which, from what I can tell, only is used for Bandersnatch).

That’s fine, people from Hawaii just don’t want to conflate themselves with the history and culture of Native Hawaiians.

“Chemical free” sunblocks usually contain fine zinc or titanium that literally blocks and reflects the UV rays away from your skin. Chemical sunscreens absorb the UV rays, but we’re still learning how the body processes those chemicals and how safe they are. Consumer Reports did a study recently on sunblocks and

The last 2 or 3 seasons had women and men. Overall, it was terrible because the men were brought on so there could be some showmance drama but Nyle was pretty classy through his season. Then again, it would have been a challenge for him to stir up drama because his competitors were busy yelling at each other so they

You can also stream it on Hulu.

The libertarian argument would say that people would find out about the dangers and people would stop buying the product, therefore the company has a “free market” incentive to not make a poisonous product. (And even then they’re fine with a few people dying so customers can start boycotting a product for being

This is all part of Les Mooneves’ CBS. He shaped it not just by picking which shows got on the air and which shows got put in death time slots but by giving CBS shows notes about what “worked” and who on the show mattered when they complained that craft services served the wrong kind of bagels or that their co-star’s

His one thing was NCIS where he was (inexplicably*) hugely popular. I know his name because he was really cute when he was younger and when he was on Loving (it was a soap opera that had an epic ending but was pretty meh for its run), he was the kind of cute where I made an effort to catch his character’s name so I