Mercedes McQueen's Apple Core

He was a better than average actor who was interested in challenging roles when he was young but he got lazy. Back when Pirates came out, I thought he sleepwalked through that performance but he was the only actor who could have done that... however, since then he’s been coasting even harder.

My d-tier romcom love continues to be the gay indie Trick. I have a weakness for an awkward protagonist who spends the film’s journey realizing that they’re attractive to their match because they’re not used to being found attractive. Plus, it’s one of the few really good Tori Spelling performances.

That’s been on my to-watch list for ages. I had a boss who says the book it what taught her to appreciate olives.

I put this movie on a few days after it came out because I was so excited about the trailer and I ended up hating it so much I gave up before the 30 minute mark. There was just too many unbearably awful people and not enough Lucy Liu when the idea of a Liu/Diggs romance was my main interest. I wasn’t expecting them to

A lot of romcoms reinforce a lot of shitty norms but it’s a genre and a good movie can overcome a genre’s worst instincts.

Ugh. Whodunit? botched the ending. But the rest of it was great.

I think some of it is that there is this idea that trans people aren’t supposed to “look right” and that’s accomplished by trying to make a cis-male feminine or a cis-female masculine. With TransAmerica, filmmakers felt the need to make-under Felicity Huffman for the audience to accept she was playing a transwoman.

Oh, one more.... in the 70s the Love Boat did an episode where Mackenzie Phillips seems familiar to Gopher but he can’t figure out why, until she tells him she was his college roommate and transitioned since then.

I was going to mention TransAmerica which sticks in my mind because of that cringe-indicing lenticular DVD package to highlight Huffman’s “transformation”.

Now playing

Awwww. Since this is ABC, I was hoping this would be a “reality show version of Lost” the same way The Quest was a reality show version of LotR or Whodunit? was a reality show version of And Then There Were None. (Also, Whodunit? botched the

IDK, I like the idea of keeping him as a Broadway producer and using it as an excuse to have Broadway stars appear as themselves, or parodies of themselves (even tho that’s getting old). I feel like we’re at a point where there are a lot more Broadway stars famous to TV viewers outside of the northeast. They’re famous

Yeah, I don’t trust Fox either but I expect its more likely they pass on this pilot.

Definitely. However, while I don’t know Rob McElhenney’s (who is creating this show) work apart from the other Sunny creators, It’s Always Sunny earned an audience with gay men for being an edgy comedy that knew how to do a gay joke that made homophobia the target. There’s reason to hope this is going to skewer LGBT

I didn’t start hearing about Coco until after it left theatres but its fans had such strong feelings about how good it was. I finally saw it this week and they did not overhype it.

I remember being disappointed when the wrote out Stephanie Kaye and Voula, I always liked it when they were still drawn to their friendship even though they wanted to grow apart (Stephanie now being cool). Stephanie was the original Paige Malichuck, except that storyline got dropped.

The first time I saw this movie, I knew a little bit about Watergate. The more I learn about Watergate the funnier this movie gets, turning around various details to frame Watergate around a pair of teen girls is just done so well, right from using tape to keep that door in the Watergate open.

Unfortunately, it isn’t. I’ve looked a few times and it is such a gem. I can’t believe no one has picked it up considering current events.

IMO, what makes Chris Pine special is what made him a great Steve Trevor and Alex Murry. He’s a solid lead and knows how to step aside to be the guy the female lead rescues. There’s a special balancing act to Steve Trevor because 1) there aren’t a lot of lead female superheroes and 2) they don’t often get a male love

What I could see is Liz and Leslie being forced to spend time together because Ben and Criss have become the kind of guy pals who become super annoying together.

At that age, kids learn to make comments like “She says ‘like’ a lot.” by imitating an adult. It’s not necessarily NPH but those are things kids say because they heard and adult say it.