I’ve run into so many variations on this story, it’s really sad.
I’ve run into so many variations on this story, it’s really sad.
I think I said it on Jez before but after seeing that episode I had a nightmare that was just watching the episode again. Bledel’s performance was a big part of what made that episode so disturbing.
Yeah, his awfulness is just so extreme and the media should be raked over the coals for treating his shittiness as merely offbeat and interesting.
I can’t remember if we learned this from a hacked source or not but didn’t Powell not understand the difference between the signals given off by a TV remote control and the ones given by a cell phone?
When it was pointed out at activist meetings that this was an issue, there was dismissal that it ought to matter as a concern and a refusal to ever come up with a coherent response that didn’t involve just shouting at those guys to grow up.
Honestly, I was prepared that, if she won, we’d be fighting her hard from the left. But at least this time she seemed willing to listen, instead of barely hiding her annoyance at being contradicted.
In hindsight, tho, I think there was one much-needed negative ad against Trump, one featuring testimonial from the workers Trump has screwed over while sad piano music plays.
That doesn’t immediately rule her out for me but I want her to speak about this history and why she can do better if given more power. And it better not be one of those “That’s what you do to get by” excuses.
Obama is a rare politician because he could speak about issues like he thought about them a lot and never lost track that these policies weren’t game moves to win the election, that he knew he had the power to have a huge effect on people’s lives.
I think some “when they go low, we go high” tactics are good and necessary. My problem is that the Democratic leadership misunderstands that concept and keeps being surprised when their opponents go low. They were warned again and again about various voter disenfranchisement efforts and they seemed to prepare for it…
While I’d be happy not to have to deal with another Clinton campaigning for office, I care a lot more about every one of those damn political consultants that orbits that family goes the hell away.
They said that about him but he campaigned there. Meanwhile, there are plenty of Clinton supporters in midwest states that voted for Obama saying they were turned away when they wanted to volunteer, being told the area wasn’t significant to their projections, a dynamic that comes up frequently in Shattered, the book…
I’d say she does have some talent, though it mostly lies in PR. She’s good at knowing how to work the levers of gossip media to keep herself in focus (she’s outlasted many of her rivals), she knows how to handle herself in an interview to maintain whatever bit of hype her shows needs and doesn’t slip up and…
It’s not like there aren’t valid things to criticize the Kardashians over. As I recall, they’ve been involved in shady businesses (the one I recall was a credit card with some pretty predatory terms, but I think there were others), the way they initially tried to treat Caitlyn transitioning as just another storyline…
And when your friend calls you really upset that they thought they found their soulmate but then they spent their first date working on their charts and found out they’re incompatable, you know what to do.
I used to follow snopes on twitter to have an idea of the kind of bullshit going on in media I avoided (and I was really interested if they contradicted left-leaning stuff I was seeing in my media diet) but the stuff coming out is just such an obvious your-bigoted-fears-are-all-correct, I couldn’t take it for long.…
It was Scooter Libby (Dick Cheney’s chief of staff) in a novel titled The Apprentice.
I remember a lot of the skeevy stuff seemed normal when I read it as a kid. Some of it was that, as you say, a 12-year-old having sex doesn’t sound so creepy when you’re 12, but I think at the time I also took the wrong lesson from reading “original” fairy tales (stuff like the version of Cinderella where they execute…
Or see if a local teacher is interested, from what I recall those were great for collage projects.
I used to work at a library and sometimes people would leave a donation to the Friends of the Library in the book drop. Occasionally, we’d get a “Who would buy this, even as a used book?” donation, sometimes we’d preemptively throw them away on the FoL’s behalf (because they were in such bad shape we thought they…