
Yeah, but I’m looking for some doublespeak that has the same weasely, negative connotation that “politically correct” has. Something petty, that doesn’t sound bad on its face and that we can pretend is a harmless term when really it’s a devastating read.

1) Check their profile image. A checkerboard is an easy first sign it’s a burner troll.

I didn’t have anything to do with theaters, cranky pants.

Here is why this conversation is really bonkers in this Country. Nazis are bad and we beat the tar out of them. But are we willing to say anarchists are good because they hate racists? Seriously? Do we not remember the Propaganda of the Deed? The Black Flag of Anarchism. They were too extreme even for Lenin. If you

Annette Bening is gorgeous.

All types of behavior matter.

My favorite last week was the evilness of Joss Whedon for cheating on his wife and how devastatingly fatal to the earth he was and should die. Then a lesbian chimed in that she cheats on women, too, because everybody cheats on everybody. The Jez hive mind did not know what to do with that and presumably brains were

He wasn’t “allowed” to fight. He challenged the champion and that challenge was accepted, because that is how a champion defends his status. Fighting doesn’t have diversity quotas or affirmative action.

Mike, who the fuck cares anyways. You have a good job and can provide for your family. That’s all that REALLY MATTERS.