gorilla good

They even chanted for him

Only roody-poos would disagree with this

"I bet my car smells like weed and rampage.. classic him"

"You threaten to shove a knife up his dick hole"

The visit was to show stripping wasn't the dream job they thought it would be

Eat the foot!

Wasn't it made by the beloved Character Actress, Margo Martindale?

Whats your opinion on john wick?

One of my favorite episodes of the show. I wonder what what else Lucy has in the wall?

Charlie pointed out shit then stepping in it was too funny. Mac had to be pretty jealous of that kick also

Absurdly delightful show

I use to watch battle bots and slam ball but that was along time ago

I did.. don't remember anything from it except the flying ships

I mean in context of Pirates of the Caribbean

They should have went to space. We haven't seen space pirates yet..

Expendebles 3.7

Things could be worse, you could be on Cob Planet.. On a cob!

But it has electrolytes..

The dinner party or any episode with Jr and Remy

Charlie was just so uncharismatic.. He stole the show