gorilla good

A victory is a victory

That and the added "thumb up" after he tried to fix it

Charlie on the phone was my favorite part of the show. "Did you just mute the TV but still watching wrestling"

Didn't expect Bastet to be offed. Fun episode all around but not quite an A. I do agree with the review that it probably should have looked more amateurish since it was a Charlie and Mac product

Franco as Pacino.. that's a bold move

Dollar Signs- Young Scooter
Up, up, and away- Kid Cudi

I'm thinking it would be a prequel to Shazam and cover most of the mythology before Adam turns evil or just have him be an antihero

CGI Schwarzenegger

Yea but compared to Cricket and the Ponderosa's, they really didn't do anything to him over the years.

This could be a game-changer

Since the end of his first or second appearance, it doesn't feel that much out of character to me. Blame Old Man McPoyle for that.

What do you mean undid?

The lawyer doesn't seem broken, he just hates the gang but he's sort of always been irritated by the gang. That did happen, you can say the house burning down and moving in together was a thing for the moms?

Yea his character is just funny to me, especially the hands thing. Their families really haven't changed. I feel like the lawyer and the McPoyle's have pretty much stayed the same also

I kind of like that the show doesn't have too many callbacks on the show

Eric Andre definitely carried the episode. From the office to the end. The painting in the office was top notch

Great episode. Uncle Jack episodes are always funny to me

You can do stuff with turquoise


I want to keep near or in the wheelhouse, maybe just check adifferent sections of it