
It’s her car, and it’s on her property. I see no problem with it. If you don’t want to live next to her, then don’t. Move to a community with an HOA that forbids VWs placed in trees. Or better yet, if you are really that concerned about what happens or the properties around your house, buy them yourself!

This is why nobody believes the media anymore.

Ahh, fear mongering at it’s finest. Are you just ignorant, or on Bloomberg’s payroll?

Physically she may be grown, but as Freud suggested, she is mentally still a child.

Literally tons of normal professionally manufactured firearms are untraceable. The numbers can tell you who the manufacturer was, and they can tell you what dealer they sold it to. The dealer may be able to tell you who the first buyer was, beyond that it is untraceable. There is no database of serial numbers to

Not so quickly. I can buy the tools and materials needed to build one with no background check for less than $450, and the skills required are about the same as a color by number painting. How much was that 3d printer?

Oh, so you mean you are terrified by the fact that it is just like ever other firearm.