Taco Monday

...and it would appear as though Trump has been engaged in human trafficking in some form as well.

Even better point.

Excellent point.

Yeah, no shit. Where are all of these strip clubs. I have a taco joint, and 7-11, and a law office on my corner.

These numbers include upstate, and places like Camden in NJ, where everything is quite inexpensive. And...while most Americans regard certain forms of debt as a necessary expense, there are ways around it, like not having everything you want in your hands immediately. I didn’t have the money for school, so I worked my

This would be the hackers’ fault? Q: What is potentially sensitive and harmful with regard to this information. A: People are lying to the people who love and trust them. So then, the answer to your question, is that this is the fault of those who are using the site. They’ve created the situation for themselves. If