Man, this site functions like dogshit. This is a comment on entirely different article. This overwatch article just loaded above it randomly, and now I can’t delete it.
Man, this site functions like dogshit. This is a comment on entirely different article. This overwatch article just loaded above it randomly, and now I can’t delete it.
Well, I thought this was the monthly games for the now “basic” tier and thought “cool”.
(because she wanted more money)
Come on... poor cow, it was just chilling there
Come on, now. He worked REALLY HARD to perfect using his regular voice for this role.
“It feels like being punished for being poor,” Overwatch player Richard Meunster told Kotaku over email.
Fuck no on giving them my phone number.
I understand it was written just to get a reaction out of people, so here I am, but FF13 being one of the best Final Fantasies is true if you consider 14th place or so ‘one of the best’.
Because it has nothing to do with video games?
Hideo Kojima Presents
I think you mean *Le sigh*
*sigh* It’s claims like this that undermine legitimate complaints of artistic theft.
I can say it didn’t look much like the trailer in the article, but I haven’t seen whatever other clips have been released on tiktok. I’d say it’s “highly probable” that the developer saw a chance to get some articles written to promote his game, whether or not it actually influenced the scene in the film.
A honest trivial mistake. Not important and acting like is important is feels wrong to me.
You you can spend like less than half a minute thinking “man, I don’t like that”, and then move on with your day.
Opinions aren’t indicative of an emotional investment. Believe me, I’ve lost millions of theoretical dollars on the opinion market.
Don’t mind me, I’m just rolling around in all this sweet, sweet money I get for negging on NFTs, paid by... paid by... um... you know... the anti-NFT lobby!
I think you might be confused; Will Smith is a podcaster and game developer, not an actor.
Tell me you’re invested in NFTs and / or crypto without telling me you’re invested in NFTs / crypto.