
Because I am currently playing the HD remake on WiiU.

Admit it, you want it.

Wireless will always have lag. It may not be noticeable for casual players. But for people like myself that go as far as to play fighting games on lagless monitors it's extremely obvious.

if you really believe a 'good portion of asia' eats dogs -anyone with any personal knowledge of asia knows that you're frankly uninformed and ignorant. much of asia is actually quite civilized, beyond even the standards of the united states, and even then, many of the religions practiced there honor animals and

I don't really see any difference in eating a dog over a cow, it's not like dogs life is valued more.. Besides if youd treat any animal like a pet itd feel wrong eating it..

"I respect their culture enough to never visit based on that fact alone"

For most of Asia, it's not really true. If conditions are extreme enough (starvation or famine, not so much these days) , yeah, they'll eat the dog if they have to but it's not something most of Asia have on a menu to serve.

You might not want to visit Hawaii.

The game wouldn't be hacked nearly as often if The Pokemon Company would actually release event pokemon on a regular basis. How long of a wait was there for America to get a Celebi release before they put it as a bonus for Pokemon Bank?

If you re-read the story you'll see that the police were simply calling the couple to put their hands up. Max voluntarily goes to the ground and Victoria stays standing.

So you're point is kinda invalid.

Except for that one time that it actually happens and people die.

Riiight, because they're supposed to just automatically know who she is.

And prison time. Potentially getting multiple people killed is worth more of a punishment than the equivalent of a jaywalking fine.

They were ordering them to get down, and at the time (when they stepped out of the house), they hadn't yet been assured that they weren't under arrest. That didn't come till later. At least, to my understanding.

That's why I put it in quotes!

Yeah, Mac users are such a persecuted minority.

Fucking hell what is wrong with people??