
Necessary to post.

STFU and read the goddamn story.

The worst part is not the themes, the childish approach to it or the graphic violence, the most terrible, inadmisible crime is the absurd look of the protagonist; a long haired-trench coat wearing-weapon crazed metalhead? what is this, the year 2000? Don't get me wrong, hairstyle or attire are fine in the right

It's a matter of rights, the devs have their right to express... whatever the fuck that game is supposed to express, and Valve -as a private company- have the right to decide whether they want to publish or not the game.

"freedom of speech" was made to grant people that right in front of the government, but doesn't

Really hard to be interested in a game where the whole point of it existing is for the fact of just pissing people off. Makes the creators sound like grade schoolers who just like to annoy the other kids.

she is just really dumb.

Well this time there's no ambiguity about whether the villain acted alone.

What a Shitaye way to win.

Now playing

I can't be the only person who thought of Top Gear's anti-Bike campaign...

Using gory limericks and calling people "twats" is a great way to promote bike safety.

The Vita's interface is not pretty but is very fast and it's disliked by most. I have direct access to any of the 70 games I have installed in no more than 1 swipe and 2 tap.


Hats confirmed for SFV.

Chun li still has thunder thighs. I approve.

They are way less chunky though. They look closer to their 3rd Strike Artwork imo.

Xrd is in 3D.

My goodness Chun Li's legs are insane.