Taco Fortress

“Yeah, Republican men telling women, including fellow conservative women, to sit down and shut up has been another theme in this election since forever.”

Ah, Republicans. You nominated a misogynist, foul mouthed, corrupt liar and that was OK. You nominated a racist who slurred all hispanics, blacks, muslims and women and that was OK. You nominated a man who has cheated on all of his various wives and that was OK. Then he made some truly disgusting comments to a

It’s cute watching GOP politicians scurry around trying to avoiding pissing off Donald’s insane base. This is the same base which thinks that Paul Ryan, who endorsed Donald early and has stuck with him through the most incompetent campaign in history (at least recent history) is insufficiently loyal.

Trump has been lying while running for the presidency. He isn’t a private citizen at this point and he is continually lying to the public. He’s only getting a pass because he’s a celebrity and showman.

Except she doesn’t really have any raisins. The only public official who tells fewer lies than her is Obama. We have all read, what, a decade of her email and we have nothing to show for it. She was a fucking girl scout. Trump’s muffin is one big fucking raisin. I think we can be pretty confident what he will do if we

I’m so glad Oliver is calling out the false-equivalency narrative that’s been plaguing this election.

She ‘naively’ defended Ailes until she, herself, was caught in the maelstrom? Why is it always thus and so? The conservatives are rabidly anti-gay rights until their son comes out of the closet; or anti-Universal Health Care until their mother cannot receive the help she needs.

“in certain organizations and certain jobs you give up that right of your freedom of speech temporary [sic] while you serve that job”


BLM: “Some police are assholes.”

Condo boards and parent-teacher associations are where NIMBY helicopter parents and other sanctimonious meddlers go to indulge their autocratic fantasies.

We all know that’s not as disrespectful as quietly sitting down during the national anthem. Geez.

Could you imagine a world without ballot access laws?

I think a common third party problem is to only compete for the presidential election and forget about every other level of government. They are always surprised and angry that this doesn’t work, perhaps not really understanding that a lot of the rules and policies that stymie third parties are caused by state and

Absolutely, but ballot access is controlled at the state level which means in order to change them, Green and other third party candidates need to start running in significant numbers at the state and local level. No one’s saying the Green Party and other parties don’t have a steep hill to climb, but we are saying

The Green Party has major party status in DC. They have no ballot access problems. They have a shitty candidate problem. Independents regularly beat them in a city where a non-majority party is guaranteed one seat on the Council. Given that the Republican brand is too shitty and homophobic for DC, to the point they

Yes. They would.

I’m just shocked that the airline did not charge the mother for another ticket.