
Now ask yourself how that fat breaks down...

Fat breakdown isn’t going to happen with that low of water activity. They are related in terms of how that happens in foods such as chips and crackers.

Because they interviewed people that have no idea.

Fad diets are here because of nutrition majors, and everyone wanting a quick fix.

I’m a food scientist and have commented on here over and over..

Farmers will pay for you to hunt these. No license needed in any place I’ve hunted them... But beware, they are mean and will attack.

Well I left the flat lands 10 years ago... Funny to find people from the same place on these sites.

Where in West Texas? I grew up outside Lubbock

Not every response was about this article, but most were.

NPR didn’t publish the study... I read it, and it was a stupid study that wasted a lot of money. None of that research will ever see practicality.

Just have to say this was the worst response.... Comment or not I like conversation , but this just wasn’t funny. The chalupa comment below was funny.

Cmon let’s have a conversation. I didn’t bring up wasting money on dumb things. I’m for scaling that down.

No, but understanding how those ingredients and additives interact with bacteria and the human body is..

Sure if you call vetting “regulation.”

I am a scientist. Food scientist if you really cared. It’s way too easy to get a grant and you don’t have to do much of anything to prove you used the money correctly.

And why do I have to pay for your research? Shrimp on a treadmill, and other crap that doesn’t need to be done.

Put out some non biased research without huge holes in it and stop wasting time.

I have a 6 and 4 year old. An 18 MO foster and 9 Mo foster kids.

You’resome dumb twats.. the RT s had nothing to do with the park services. And if you think this would have flown with a democratic president then you’re dumber than I thought.

I see her more as an entitled annoying twat. But hey, she’s an actress that plays against the rules... Well now that she took the money from Twilight