
Like yo momma

Get fucked

Give her the “I’m going to help you build a PC and you are going to like it!” treatment.

As poorly as they managed it, Wii U (with those games) is the perfect kids machine. So hopefully the kid doesn’t realize the corporate machinery is cruel and uninterested.

Just put your white mage in the back and have them attack someone in your own party.

If anything is clear, Nintendo hates Wii U owners

The police waste all their time on things like this, meanwhile the Tunnel Snakes are still running wild, terrorizing the public with their aggressive and provocative dance moves.

It’s way more popular than it is good. If everyone has it, everyone realizes that; if no one has it, wow what an amazing product!

I heard acid is making a come back

“If you don’t give me $5 dollars I won’t steal $10 dollars” isn’t a good opening?

Need a strategy guide? Go south and find the spot with 30 durians.

Need a strategy guide? Go south and find the spot with 30 durians.

There is nothing to give into. It is a flawed premise to consider this a threat to Democrats.

Dez’s non-catch, and it was a non-catch, or more specifically the amazing wrongness of everyone who complained, is why I happily gave up on watching football.

Dude, you are a good writer.

I erased my brother’s Zelda II save file when I was 6. Twice. The second time he saw me do it through a window, which made my plausible deniability a bit difficult. He was twice my age, and I couldn’t take that he was able to get past points that were impossible for me. Looking back though, he was a total jerk to me


Scorpio only has to do one thing to become best selling system: Let you play your Steam library.

But they also said that it will run 4k at 60fps, which means the GPU alone is going to be at a minimum at gtx 1080 equivilent, or maybe even a 1080ti for the future games that would be released for it. The cheapest 1080 I’ve seen on massive sale was $420, so how would they keep the price below $600 for the console

Fusion seems like a needed outlet on the Kinjas. The Root was a great addition. I look forward to trolling trolls good.

You are right, you shouldn’t be. Stop being so fucking stupid. It is getting people killed.