
What is with the tangent? People should only pirate older games?

“May I remind you that I think you are an idiot,” wasn’t going to get as many clicks...

I don’t know the proper verbage to describe my problem, but I have had it with multiple controllers. If i grip the controller too hard in certain ways it spams inputs. Mostly D-pad inputs. Really great for Dark Souls when you are fighting a boss, press circle empahtically to roll and it switches off your weapon and

Even fucking morons

What is 12mil in rubles and is this coming out of the Intercept’s funds or in addition?

He lied. I only called him a stupid.

Just a bunch of songs and buildings and cars... Who are these guys!?

Tut tut, looks like rain

When you find one of these fabled “well-adjusted” individuals let’s give them a cookie.

Well I respectfully disagree.

Trolls get trolled


Holy shit you are dumb.

Kill yourself

Hahahaha, I own all of those that I have ever heard of on other systems.

The handheld nature of the Switch should make it the best selling system longterm... Says I!

And if they had released Zelda for Wii U in late 2015/early 2016 when it was ready they could have had our money back then.

This show was the tits. And I love tits.

I think the lesson is Crowdfunding is a gamble, and should be treated as such. You are entitled to things ONLY if they end up existing.

Stopped reading at “didn’t vote.” You are garbage. Bye bye.