
I’m just saying, 100% of RPGs from Dragon Warrior 1 to Breath of the Wild would be vastly improved if they used a menu system that is only possible with the WiiU hardware, but instead there is one game that uses it, and at this rate there will only ever be one game that uses it. If that isn’t disappointing I don’t

I would still gladly pay for DLC that just added gamepad inventory management... You hear me Nintendo! You can make 10's of dollars here!

The pausing... The pausing!!!

Saying something isn’t Dark Souls (or SoulsBorne) isn’t disparaging it. I just spend most of my video game time replaying that series and unless something similar is better I have to question why I’m not just replaying one of those. I mean I have 4 to choose from and there is a 5th I still have yet to play for the

“I have a group of freinds and we drink, play smash, and just chill every Friday”

It is def my taste in games yeah, but you just listed the same number of ps4 games as the other dude did for WiiU exclusives.

For Mario Maker? I was just saying that Wind Waker can’t be redone on other hardware. Mario Maker can be redone and I will be anxiously awaiting to see what may happen with it in the future. What is the situation with Switchs and styluses (styli?) anyway.

Nioh is... not Dark Souls. I would check it out, but I would bet money I would rather go replay DS2 again, and that’s #4 in my list of Souls games.

Haha totally fair. I have had a grudge against Star Fox since it came out at the same time as X-Wing, and back then SF got all the attention.

If you want one console, and you want the most mainstream games, it is true Nintendo products don’t make sense, nor have they since SNES.

But those WiiU games were some of the best games of the past few years. I can think of 2 games on PS4 that aren’t on PC that I would bother playing (3 if I am generous,) and a big fat zero for XBone.

I kinda surprised that anyone is surprised by how much they enjoy the Switch. It is the simpliest thing Nintendo has released since the Gamecube, and Nintendo releases a game that would easily qualify for Top 3 of the Year annually.

So, jealous

Honestly, I hope you don’t buy the game and do pirate it. And that is coming from someone with a Wii U and $60 copy of the game.

Why do you hate poor people? Are you a proud American or just jealous?

Nintendo fucked over Wii U owners so bad with this, I hope that everyone does go download it for free. I also hope like Dark Souls someone figures out how to get it to run at 60fps.

Who predicted Switch manufacturing problem in the podcast?

Now playing

Dungeon Explorer - Its got Mettle by Pink Floyd, and September to Remember by EW&F and Im sure other great stuff I didnt notice

I bet she uses an anime avatar on Twitter

Thanks for the Wii U heads up. Dunno why Kotaku hates Wii U owners so much.