
Really well done, but can the "lego-style" animation craze please go away already?

what the hell is going on with those dolphins' heads?

@starbuck13: It just reinforces the fact that each of us is small and insignificant....lest we forget and put ourselves on pedestals.

@Bs Baldwin: Thats actually a great idea. People who live in california would love to walk on it and stand over the area they live for photos and such.

@bakana: of course Christianity is a part of Irish culture. And the fact that its set in an abbey presents a Christian element.

Saw this in the theater when it was first released state side. It was so great to look at my head nearly exploded. Cant wait to watch it again on blu-ray.

@pupaboy3: because good green energy panels are gaudy, and gaudy does not belong in Vegas.

@cicadymn: Are you not thinking of the Omen 2? (which is btw, just as great as the first)

Saw this just the other day on a DVD lent to me. Its not bad, but completely unoriginal. The little girl's acting however, is quite good. She doesnt just give scary stare or dead voice, but really pulls out some good creeps.


A bit more quaint than most the examples here, but Brian Froud should be mentioned for constructing our fantasy dreams of forests, and the creatures who live in them...

@gowdyjames: ... still about artists, not authors...

@BuzzMega: I agree with "Eternal..." and "Primer" being not so hot... but "I Robot?" On a CLASSIC sci-fi list? Wow.

@travisco_nabisco: Well, assuming its not positioned on a pedestal half its size, it would take an actual tilt in the earth under your house or an open crevasse to either knock over something that heavy or displace enough water to do serious damage. I doubt I could push over my 20 gal. tank with my own weight without

@phoghat: I dont disbelieve a more ancient arrival in the Americas whatsoever. But clearly basing anything of the sort on the "analysis" of this particular artifact is reckless at best, considering the inconsistencies.

@Alex Troup: with knowing only the premise, and absolutely nothing about the development of characters or story arc at all, how could you jump to the conclusion that you "couldnt stand sitting through this."?

So two scholarly "translations" reveal two COMPLETELY different results (10 commandments vs a survival story)????

good lord! this isnt a recap. Its the novelization tie-in!

So its basically just a water-locked prison for displaced poor people that will conveniently flood in and disappear from sight when funding to build the walls higher (i.e 'deeper') runs out while sea levels continue to rise.

L: "There's no oscillator? FUCK!"