
This reads like you paid your little brother to do your homework.

Short extras don’t eat as much from craft services - this is a no brainer.

I voted for Obama, Hillary, and Biden.”

Why is the Venn diagram between “right-wing troll” and “unfunniest person you’ve ever met” basically a circle?

We need more people from the planet she’s from. We could make room by shooting assholes like you into the sun.

Telling people you know that what you just said is stupid and bad doesn’t make it less stupid or bad.

Headcanon: this is elaborate Peanuts fanfiction. (This is a positive.)

A combination of all of those things. The big names get attention, and Apple likely puts a significant amount of money into a “For Your Consideration” campaign. 

I think Murphy’s right that Barbenheimer will never happen again, but you can bet your sweet tush that Hollywood is gonna try their darndest to make it happen every time a pair of stylistically differing movies come out near one another.

Except for the educational ones about our changing bodies.

All movies are pointless.

Exactly. Human beings are human beings. Pretending that they “deserve” to be criticized, manipulated and harassed because they’re young or “that’s what they signed up for” is a method of moral justification we’ve taken to to make ourselves feel ok about watching it. The truth is, it’s not ok. It was never ok. And I

EXACTLY.  I think what’s possibly happening in this interview is the realization that peoples’ mothers are selling their souls for a treacly “reality” show, and it makes the reviewer uncomfortable.  Kind of ageist.

He had practice after his auto dealership scam during his hired kidnapping of his wife in Fargo.

My first thought was "Ah, so the Blu-Ray is coming out, eh?" 

Being positively supportive doesn’t get enough press, however. It’s good to see it highlighted as a personal trait.

I think it was largely a paper trail thing. Macy knew what was going on, but Huffman was the who interacted with the corrupt guy. She was the one caught on tape and the one signing the checks, I think. So it all fell on her.

Huffman tried to acknowledge her privilege here with her random aside about black and brown people facing the police and, without knowing her personally at all, I wouldn’t be surprised if that comment was completely genuine.

Fozzy’s pull quote was “Wakka Wakka Kanda Forever.”

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