For those who only watch regular TV, know nothing about streaming TV, and only clicked on this because you were excited to see regular TV mentioned in the news for once
For those who only watch regular TV, know nothing about streaming TV, and only clicked on this because you were excited to see regular TV mentioned in the news for once
A character can get a raw deal without out it being “shoddy” or causing “outrage”. People (We) loved Donna because of her chemistry with the Doctor as best buddies traveling around space and fixing things. It’s also why Jack Harkness worked so well during the RTD days, they wanted to do the right thing, were game for…
very good way to look at it. It’s not “tragically unresolved.” That was the resolution, tragic as it might have been. And a big part of Tennant’s “god complex” through the Waters of Mars to his regeneration is because he couldn’t save Donna without erasing her memories.
you have way too much to say about a show you’ve never seen.
You say “misstep”, I say “just the latest in a line of decisions proving nothing in this show’s universe matters”.
At this point I think Musk could step out onto a stage, audibly shit himself, throw up, and then start crying for his mother, and it would count as one of his more dignified public appearances.
I think the moment I realised Cera had a truly phenomenal comic energy was in ‘Arrested Development’ where George Michael is asked what the name Sudden Valley makes him think of, and he says, “Salad dressing, I think. But for some reason I don’t want to eat it.” There’s just something wonderfully offbeat and yet…
The headline writer clearly hasn’t watched any Bachelor. No fan of the show would ever be drawn in by this assertion.
In some good G/O Media-related news, Paste bought and is resurrecting Jezebel:
Video games are a hot-button issue these days. Discussions on the topic can get heated and controversial fast. Better to only allow comments on wholesome and unifying stuff like skin color.
I have nothing against Hunter, he seems like a nice enough kid. But man oh man is he ever the epitome of what people look at as the “bad” kind of nepotism baby. He’s only on camera because of who is dad is. And as nice of a kid he seems to be, and while Guy isn’t everyone’s cup of tea, Hunter doesn’t have a tenth of…
The leftwing media is trying to cover up news about Hunter Fieri’s laptop.
I’m guessing Hunter shows up when Guy’s production company (Knuckle Sandwich, as mentioned in the article) is involved: why overpay some other talking head to do the job, when Hunter can just nepo baby it for the same amount?
He seems to be around a lot whenever I watch Food Network these days*. I think there’s been a real big ‘Hunter wants to host’ push from the Guy Fieri camp.
*see AV Club’s recent article about Shark Tank and hotel TV habits
I have no opinion on this subject. Just dropping by to say “Happy Holidays American AVClubbers.” It’s nice to meet with friends for a meal (never ‘family’ in my case) and express our collective gratitude for what we have. I don’t honor Thanksgiving because “Hey come over for dinner then we’ll steal your land and later…
Seconding that this is great, I never would have thought to read an interview with this guy, but then you read it and it’s true: he really is in a lot of the movie and I remember his part very distinctly (and not just Waterloo)
Joaquin Phoenix may be the latest actor to play Napoleon Bonaparte, but he certainly isn’t the first (nor will he be the last).