
That sounds like a straw man argument to me. The Internet never promised everything free, all the time, and things like Napster and the generations of P2P after it while free, were also technically supporting theft. People only got a sense of entitlement because the industries being ripped off were so slow to provide

I never had to access the Internet through a text terminal, but before I had Internet, I loved connecting to local BBSes for years and getting all sorts of shareware and freeware, and playing door games online for free. (TradeWars 2002! LoRD in RipTerm! Woo!)

This list would have been nothing without the Orochi. Good work, guys!

"She was caught saying she'd "never thought she'd miss a hand so much" immediately prior to the accident."

Not really. I made some of my best friendships on the common ground of video gaming. I've seen and done wonderful fantastic things in games, and had many moving experiences. Video gaming has enriched my life.

Definitely. Starting uphill is also always an interesting gamble (I swear even if I let myself slip back a bit when they approach, I always get idiots who think the best place to be on a hill is 3" behind me.) I just mean that on perfectly level ground, the car won't automatically creep forward if you don't fight it.

I thought they all dropped more items if you use the laser - then, the game just says it's a more powerful shot. I see there are guides that explain it in more detail though!

There is a button that toggles the holding and tapping shots, and a larger button that toggles left and right. Then there is a button for Lock/Power Up. No bomb button, no options menu, so bombs are just lives now.

They made more sense back when they were a glimpse of significantly better graphics than consoles could do - not the same assets, but with antialiasing and better lighting.

I tried the demo - interesting that your "laser" (hold fire) doesn't slow you down, so there seems to be little downside to using it. Also interesting that player movement is no longer 1:1 with finger movement. It felt a little closer to Danmaku Unlimited, where the screen is like a touchpad as opposed to grabbing a

Cool. I've been waiting for DS2 forever. Wish they'd actually mentioned its release somewhere I could see! (Funny how before they didn't want Cave arcades on XBLA...)

So the only way to see ANYTHING is to give it carte blanche to download the full content of anything and everything Nintendo wants to show us? The alternative being simply having no videos, as opposed to choosing what you do and don't want to see like on every other device? What about those of us who have to pay for

It's true. I was a bike only guy for a while because I'd only driven economical automatic cars and hated it. Then I bought a car with a manual transmission - and learned to drive on it, since I had nowhere else to practice. It's great. I don't have to hold my brakes to keep my car from creeping at stops. If I want to

I hate Steam actually... I have two accounts, with different games on each one, and there is absolutely no way to merge them together again no matter how many people ask for it. It also loves to start updating a game just before I play it (because I don't run it 24/7 since it's useless when not playing a game,) so I

I have always done this as well. Buy a copy, stick it on the bookshelf, then get a pirated textfile and put it on whatever I read books on at the time. Those official books get seriously unruly huge by the second half of the series - I'm not going to lug one around everywhere on speculation I might get a chance to

The two threats I see are that I've heard even some big developers are playing wait-and-see on the Wii U so far - if that draws out too long, it could become the console few third parties want to develop for because there are so few third parties on it. Also, there was the difficulty third parties had keeping up with

I collect games. A download copy of say, a PSN game, would be fine at something approaching the price of a retail copy if they gave me raw files that I could pop into any PS3 anytime and have a guarantee it would work. Until that day, these account-bound or console-bound copies are far inferior to a physical game.

For me, they work in Internet Explorer, but bizarrely, in Opera they are all "video not found."

I never saw it as a hole though - Shockwave, then Flash was a novelty. I found the novelty very quickly wore off when viewing a simple webpage would bring my computer to a crawl as it tried to render a storm of vector graphics that worked on a high end web designer's PC. Then several years later, it really wore out

Now just make absolutely certain there doesn't become a way to profitably contaminate your meat with cesium in order to guarantee a sale! Careful scrutiny could ensure that it is cesium and not another element that contaminates it, but never assume someone will pass up an opportunity to make a quick buck (er, yen.)