That's great. I'm glad they made good on that! Faulty tamper detection should never exclude you from basic repairs, and I'd think once they received the unit they'd see pretty clearly you hadn't modded it!
That's great. I'm glad they made good on that! Faulty tamper detection should never exclude you from basic repairs, and I'd think once they received the unit they'd see pretty clearly you hadn't modded it!
10 counts of production.
Sadly sentences like that are needed in case it is reduced later. Halve the sentence for good behavior? Ok, fine - see ya in 145 years!
Eric Harris was also on "antipsychotic medication," actually Luvox, an SSRI. While Luvox was approved for use on adolescents and teens, SSRIs were later found to increase suicide risk in minors rather severely. But of course, everyone knows it was video games and heavy metal that drove them to murder...
I'm a fan of many of those games, like Scorched Earth, the QBasic programming example "Gorilla," and others like Gunbound, or my favourite, Warheads - an interplanetary version that has gravity for each planetoid. What I meant though was the particular kind of wobbly 2D physics like in Angry Birds or Crush the Castle…
It makes sense though. Things we see on screen usually have camera artifacts. Those without them look less "real" - less like what we've seen in real footage. Manhunt used this to pretty good effect - it lowered the visual fidelity, but greatly boosted the... if not "realism," then "verisimilitude."
I hate what the secondary market is doing to new sales, and have long said that if you buy used, you may as well grab an ISO. On the other hand, Capcom has been moving in an anti-consumer direction for a while now, for instance with the recently failing single player PSN games that won't run without a net connection.
Nice find! The oldest game with physics similar to AB I knew was "Samurai Movers," but right on the game page it says it's powered by Box2D. I didn't realize it was an engine and not a studio.
A bird ønce bit my sïster...
Wow... That must have taken a week to play!
The problem is that games are often made to work by rules first, and in this case, instead of scoring rules, it's the physics engine.
Kinect is a structured light 3D scanner. Beyond that, they all fall under the umbrella of webcam games, which include, but predate the Dreamcast.
Not really. I've tried to get into the redesign, but while I've wasted so much time here in the last 4-5 years, I will probably stop coming here in the next week or two.
Usually, with broadband, if they got a warrant and contacted the ISP - but how do you get an IP address off XBox Live?
Yeah... Thank you Nick Denton, for forcing my favorite sites to become toxic.
@CaptainFabulous: Sad but true. Some companies like Monsanto will take someone to court even if they know they'll lose, because it would bankrupt the defendant... :/
Ok, then if not for hacking, how did this guy's adversary know his home address or even enough info that a SWAT team could find him? Do you think they started throwing insults back and forth, and the kid just told him exactly where to find him?
The cover clearly wasn't just a downsampled version of the photo - looking at the diamonds on his tie for instance, at least part of it had to be placed by hand. It's original artwork.
@serus716: Haha. Your calling out was an assertion with no more proof than my own. A logical stalemate.
@serus716: Your first point is a matter of opinion with the exception of medical necessity, and your second is true and a calculated risk I took because I don't feel like writing an essay to back it. The downside is that someone may call for proof or call it a fallacy (it's an assertion that goes nowhere, but it is…