
@PoweredByHentai: The biggest ones, sure. The games cost so much to make, you have to be able to GUARANTEE returns of a certain amount. I sample from mainstream gaming, but generally don't care about big hits like Uncharted, Resistance, Halo, CoD, etc.

Haha... awesome. Cat in the front, Cthulhu in the back!

@Cobaltios: There are certainly cases where new input methods work well too. Ouendan/EBA for touch screens, Flower for motion controls, etc. It just seems that these games have to be designed from the ground up for the system, and when a traditional game gets ported, the new features get shoehorned in and spoil it.

@mark.p0rter: Absolutely. I can't believe what Europe and Australia have to put up with. Here in Canada, we usually just pay an automatic markup on the assumption that our money is weaker than USD, but since it's been close to on par for so long, maybe we'll get American pricing...

@Cobaltios: It depends what you want out of a system. My DS had some fun moments, but I loved my PSP - largely because I never had to pull out a stylus and touch the screen, but also because the sound fidelity was way higher, and it was like carrying a pocket PS2.

@vfitzger: I just hate being observed and having cameras pointing at me all the time. I like to relax playing video games, and that prevents it by shredding any sense of privacy. It looks like there's no escape though. iPhone 4, Wii U, 3DS, Vita - they all have front-facing cameras, so I'll just have to read reviews

Love it. The stages in this series are so weird and playful. I liked the GBA one best because of the timing precision of buttons instead of "flicks;" hopefully this one won't time things to halfway through a swing of the Wiimote or something.

This is good. It looks inexpensive (not bad, but it doesn't scream "big budget"), and innovative, and as long as they can keep this tradition going on Vita, I'll enjoy it as much as I did the PSP. I've actually never played an Uncharted game and don't really feel like starting, but I'd take this for a spin for sure.

@Sugoi: I was fine with Descent, Ghost in the Shell PSX, and Prey, but when I tried ilomilo on XBLA it made me so disoriented I couldn't go on. Then, it had VERY frequent shifts.

@shadowgamer_x: Why, have they never made a CoD game that was like the first one, while everyone always asks them to, being disappointed with the new ones? I got the impression it was more the opposite of that.

The coolest thing about that is that there's a TV that can do polarized lens 3D! That means you can just stock up on cheap, light plastic glasses.

what is this i don't even

I'm cool with that. I LOVED Starfox 1. I'm getting a craving to play it just mentioning it... I've played the others, except Assault. They ranged from irritating to unusable.

@LawnmowerMan: Speak for yourself... I'm 29 and liked the PSP most this generation. I can't count the times I've sat in front of my PC/consoles and played something on it instead. At the Vita's price point, it's a done deal for me. Sure, I don't wave it around and advertise that I'm carrying one, but due to the

Not really in the market for it... maybe as a monitor since 32" is TOO big (my current setup.) But I have to rant a bit anyway.

@Saiaku: Well, it's really the Blu-Ray Disc Association, which includes Sony, but looks much like the DVD consortium. Panasonic is also part of the group, and they've made GameCubes in the past.

@descendency: Yeah... unreadable formats like Gamecube, Wii, UMD, and GD-ROM are all well and good... until the first arbitrary code execution exploit. Then, you just have to politely ask the system to read its own disc and tell you what's on it!

@Macoy: What are you talking about? I've only used Remote Play to stream games as video and sound in, controller inputs out in realtime on my PSP. To assume the Vita couldn't do that easily would be making huge assumptions that they've taken a flying leap backwards. Who's the fanboy?

@Nexus6: Yeah, my Wii hasn't impressed me yet and already they're pushing another system. More than that, non-optional cameras? I'm drawing the line here. Too many gadgets have cameras, and if it's not an option, I can only opt out of the entire system.