@King of Madness!: She looks crazed! Run away! (Also if she keeps following that track, she'll bite it right in half!)
@King of Madness!: She looks crazed! Run away! (Also if she keeps following that track, she'll bite it right in half!)
@Blood-Pudding: Online, people will win at any cost, even if it means breaking the whole game to do it.
@yehoshua_ghitis: Haha, awesome.
@Duskey: Exactly. There's no reason that in theory, any customer couldn't easily do it - but there are many other reasons why a given customer couldn't do it (I know it sounds simple... but having worked on a help desk for the last 4.5 years, I am certain many people can't get to their 360's serial number screen.)…
So, who uses their "My Documents" folders?
I thought it was more like the worst customer service possible that while you can subscribe to XBL right on your 360, and buy things with your credit card on the 360, or their website, and manage almost every aspect of your account though either one, they still assume that if you ever buy XBL with a credit card, that…
@QualityJeverage: I like to wear cheap skeletonized mechanical watches I get on eBay. It's awesome hearing them tick as they run, and looking inside at the running mechanism.
@merc-ai: Great. Glad it's clicking so well for you. I like the shooting too - I'm mostly burned out on "shooters" but didn't notice most of the missions were shooting until someone mentioned it because I was having fun with them.
@merc-ai: I couldn't believe they fixed so many deal breaking bugs from past games. This one was my favourite, even with crappy handling cars and no cartoony stuff. I used to wait for the PC version to do missions because shooting was useless, but now the aiming system - while it still has its issues - was so good I…
@ethic: You're right too... Far too many things happened historically on Apr. 20!
@aFlockOfMoosen: Well, you could also try to tie it to Adolf Hitler, or the Columbine shootings... Personally, I think it just happened when it happened.
@Yoshiarecool: Wow... It's like they HAD anime like eyes to start off with, but tried to apply it twice over and ended up with Powerpuff Girls.
Interesting graphical style. It's like 3D on EGA or something.
I love OpenFeint. Actually, Game Center is the "other" since OF had been doing it for ages before Apple tried to take it over. I slightly prefer checking achievements on GC since it goes straight to my profile and shows percentage for some achievements, but I really can't complain about OF since what's in the way is at…
@doubtful: Or they will tut-tut publically, keeping a low profile on their own stashes. :p
Nice... I could even see it too - directions, B to grab or call Agro, A to attack, select to change weapons?
Wow, that's actually a decent price for a normal backpack! I don't want to imagine what this handmade monster would cost...
@kuroprinny: It works as a memory card; you just wouldn't see the other one's screen.
@dlime16: No, they never learn. Never. Their subjects must remain ever vigilant or they'll do whatever they can get away with.
If anyone's interested in more details about Operation Sundevil or even the history of hacking and BBS systems, Bruce Sterling's book "The Hacker Crackdown" goes into unparalleled detail on the whole situation. It's legally free, and available in all sorts of formats all over the place.