One day Siri will kill EVERYBODY
One day Siri will kill EVERYBODY
3.5 is tiny... My fingers can barely reach the edge of a 4.3in screen but i like it... 4.7 here I come!
So it's back won't brake on the Jump to earth?
EA suing EA? Why? Oh the Game suing the (Google) wrist band thing....
Thankyou.. That made my night lmao
Why wait to get something when I can always just hit "Print"
A security Flaw on HTC phones is announced days after the flaw on Samsung phones was announced.....
Pepsi Reports... what? oh Popsci.. oh
wow..So in murder if you helped you get jail time/fine.. In child porn if you help you get nothing... Basically this is helping creepers buy porn thinking it was real... This dude should get locked up.. He probably got off his own fake porn.... Whats with Florida? really?
Now I want to know what this thing would be reused for.. Or are they going to lock the door and walk away never to be seen again?
Look at all those Perverts.. SMH lol
It'll probably make the government fund NASA into beating China instead of Russia to mars or something
I enjoyed both.. Now total brightness is the same as total darkness.. At some point you cant see shit
Unless you are Friends in the first place and are on Facebook.. and they happen to be a teacher
wow really... Police Police.. I paid that Man to kill her and he didn't!!
That was a pig/bat flu hybrid that she got by a spoiler.. Not a Cure that later on mutated, but then again what doesn't start out as good and end horribly
Destiny knows who created the Universe.... I miss that show :(
When are we going to learn to stop... Seriously I'm for Robotics but eventually the Cyclons are going to be created and BANG most of us die
Spy... Spy.. .Spy Blimp!?! yea nobody would see that (unless it hides in the glare of the sun)
I never liked the Top Stories or whatever... I always liked reading what was new or what somebody posted 5min ago. I kept my feed on "Most Recent" now its all retarded IMO... I'll stick to the Facebook APP/sense that still has that feature.