Lehigh? Wow thats a couple min drive from where I live... If Amazon is so close by why the F*** does it so long.. haha
Lehigh? Wow thats a couple min drive from where I live... If Amazon is so close by why the F*** does it so long.. haha
Give ME!!
This new theory makes sense...
I want to go up into space and look down on the planet like they do.. I want to feel insignificant.
How about Google Sues them now.. and then sues them again.. and again.. and again.. and again...
OMFG!! I read the title and thought... okay then saw the pictures with cats strapped down.. WTF!!! then laughed
Lets add more human/monkey genes and see what pops out next :D
We already have ion Drives... its on that one satellite that's racing across our system right now.... I'll say a very inefficient (slow) ion drive
What does it matter its not like the human race is going to evolve to the point that Space Travel to other planets let alone other systens... Eventually we're all going to kill each other...
I can just picture myself shaken the hell out of it and screaming SHUT UP!!
Is it... Nuclear BOMB proof? lol I kid... but DAM if somebody doesn't go corrupt this Building is going to be indestructible against Suicide bombers/hijackers...
Isn't Lighting Raw Energy that's way beyond anything we can generate right now.. or just REALLY FUCKING hot?
All I thought was how the F*** did a piece get up there... then I finished Reading
They aren't health?! I eat like 3 of those things in 20min
The Rapture is population Control.... If staying behind with less people.. shit OKAY
You can imagine? Bitch you staying behind too... God knows all the sick shit you been doing before/after that video.. Hypocrit
that kid is.... that mind is soo drugged up right now
You can't grow one, you paint one on
Has it gone too far? NO
SO wheres the abandoned Lander? Wheres the one working Transmitter? Wheres the rock alien creatures? Wheres the Cave? lol