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Then it happened again, and I realized she was rubbing my leg with her bare foot. This went on for several minutes, during which time I got raging bonage that my Umbros could barely contain.

Wait, if you call yourselves the TenMan (shouldn't it be TenMen? Or The Ten Men Group. Hey, I like that!), shouldn't you have, like, at least 10 parties?

Naw, just some blinking red LEDs! =P

Well, then you have the VISOR.

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The thermodynamic tolerances that they operate at are amazing, as well. "It's like trying to make a kettle out of chocolate." That the cooling system can keep the 6000 °F SSME nozzles within spec using the available LH2 fuel source is, quite frankly, some pretty amazing engineering.

Yep! I remember the first time my physics professor showed us how a rocket motor worked, and I was like, "Wait ... that's it?! That's so much simpler than a gasoline engine!" (Full disclosure, I am a diesel technician, so look which road I chose, eh? :) )

If you go to the TIFO website, you'll find a lot of the "articles" have 5-th grade level explanations and/or word padding. Lé sigh.

While your question is rhetorical, what you fail to realize is that, yes, most people have no idea how an internal-combustion engine works. They know gas goes in when the gauge tells them to put it in, and they put their foot on the skinny pedal to "make it go." The rest is fuckin' magic. And you expect them to know

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Jesus H. Christ. The Room makes more sense than this ...

This. Can you be commish?

[Deleted by author.]

Remember: Your mission is to get home before the snow melts. Adopt the attitude of a Serious-Minded Person with a Mission. A Michael Mann Protagonist. A Michael Mann Protagonist does not dally; or panic; or give up; or voluntarily sit still for 90 minutes, when less than a minute of walking and pushing could move an

  1. Unitas

Bangor, represent!

I've always been fascinated by professional wrestling. Though I don't fully understand the lingo or the storylines, I'll admit that these men and women are helluva athletes. Mad respect.

  • If you take a ride, you are disqualified but hopefully still alive.

This is incorrect. Only the home club provides all 24 (indoor game) or 36 (outdoor game) "game" balls. The 12 "kicking" (or "special teams") balls come directly from Wilson, in specially-sealed containers, and are opened by the umpire in the referee's locker room when the rest of the balls' pressures are checked.

Actually, no, it's not. All 24 (indoor game) or 36 (outdoor game) "game" balls are completely separate from the "kicking" (or special teams') balls. Only the home team supplies the balls, not the visiting team, as others are claiming.