From The Root:
From The Root:
The former pope (Ratzinger) had been in charge of the cover-ups division of the Vatican.
“If your core, central belief on which you base your entire life holds that any kind of interference with a pregnancy is equivalent to murder” . . . . then your core belief is insane.
Last, week, just before this latest accusation came out, I wrote to the radio station France Inter because they were heavily promoting his film and had an interview with Jean Dujardin about it - I told them it was shameful but never heard back.
Bernie should sit it out, while the Trump administration is supporting what is absolutely a coup? Nah.
Sounds like yet another reason why the US needs universal healthcare, with government run hospitals.
I’m betting this is the product of some idiot image consultant’s fever dream to appease multiple groups of imaginary people.
Hey Blackoak!
Looking at the polls, the generational divide in the black community is even more stark than any other. Starting with younger Xers down to gen Z, respectability politics is dead. As you get younger, the recognition of intersectional civil rights for all oppressed groups spikes.
Ok G/O, you got your click.
According to legend, the singer/songwriter/mathematician Tom Lehrer is responsible; he put vodka in Jell-O when he was in the Army to circumvent the military rules against alcohol. I am repeating this because I desperately want it to be true.
Oh look, a totally clueless person who must have been living on another planet for the last 40+ years to not have any idea why anyone would ever call Trump racist. Not like we have decades worth of his own words and actions to go by.
Meanwhile, Lindsay Graham is off twirling his tinfoil hat. Also, he is physically incapable of correctly pronouncing Sondland’s last name, apparently:
How does one even begin to parse Trump’s ravings?
We don’t have freedom of the press!
Oh. My. Beebo.
He shared this info publicly because How Else does one prove one’s utter and complete domination and control EXCEPT by sharing how far one’s control extends into intensely private matters publicly?!
He believes he cannot rape his wife because he owns 1/2 of her vagina.
Sadly true, and I realise in calling her a child I infantilised her in way I did not intend. I meant to make the point that somebody sensible and with authority, needs to put safe space between this young woman and her abusive parent. He does worryingly have a 3 year old girl, and a bunch of sons he’s modelling this…
This child (and any others in his care) needs to be removed from that home. A person that feels this level of entitlement over another person’s body is possessive. When it is a man specifically trying to exert control over a woman’s sexual and reproductive rights (however fashionable), through force (subjecting a…