G/O has started nuking personal Kinjas. Here’s a Discord for refugees that already has nearly 2,000 of us with no trolls: https://discordapp.com/invite/VEeXam7
G/O has started nuking personal Kinjas. Here’s a Discord for refugees that already has nearly 2,000 of us with no trolls: https://discordapp.com/invite/VEeXam7
The comments under her post were downright horrific. It ranged from “Well Why didn’t you just move?” to “Was it really that big of a deal?” I want to know who in the fuck was the cracker that didn’t want anyone of color sitting by his or her pasty ass? Maybe those patrons didn’t want to sit by his pigmentally…
Am I wrong in saying there’s something vaguely sinister about that picture of Farrow? I mean, you all seem to use that image every time you do a piece on Farrow, so maybe you think it’s a good picture. I just think he looks like a waxwork facsimile of a human being, which makes me wonder whether there’s some kind of…
“Politicians are fighting about California wildfires on Twitter” is dangerously close to bothsidesism, and not how I would describe what’s going on. What’s going on is that the President of the United States is threatening to do harm to the biggest, most prosperous state in the union because it resists him politically.
I’m trying to award for points for plating, and while I hate the bacon sloppily dumped every which way and the disdain for using the sections properly, the syrupless pancakes with the missing bites seem innovative. The vast areas of empty plate are tres haute cuisine. I give it a 3 out of 5 stars for plating.
This shortened final season of Arrow has been tremendous so far, setting up the big Crisis crossover but also paying tribute to the show’s history, with Moira, Tommy, Malcolm, Adrian Chase, Tatsu, China White, Thea, and Talia already turning up just so far. It would have been wrong for Felicity not to come back too.
Try Salon, Wonkette (deliciously snarky), Vox, Raw Story and Axios. Empty Wheel for very technical legal breakdowns.
I think about tacos ALL THE TIME! In fact, I fell in a wiki hole last night and there are only about 185k Latinx people in Britain. Mostly Brazilians. Only 2400 Cubans and I have more people of Mexican descent in my neighborhood than they do in the whole of the British Isles. Fucking crazy. Back to tacos. I play…
We also live in a society where Private Equity firms buy properties they don’t understand, try to silence the writers from having opinions, run it into the ground to the point that an entire site’s writers quit, and are all around HERBS.
To all of the trolls, continue to eat shit, you vermin.
Considering all the shit that’s been going on at G/O media, I just want to say thank you from the bottom of my heart to all of the writers and commenters who have made this one of the best sites on the internet.
ufffff... When I’m just sitting at my computer and have not much to do, my fingers go straight to “deads...” before I even realize it. Gonna be a hard habit to break. Big love, fucking bummed, but that’s life. Lotta love.
Don’t know where to put this, but.....has Barf Bag gone the way of Deadspin?
Caitlin, you wrote, “A former senior vice president, Lisa Bridges, sued the company and the head of goddamn human resources [italics yours] in June, alleging equal pay violations, retaliation, sexual harassment, and gender discrimination.”
Oh, it’s a lot worse than the consulting fee. Softbank paid him $1.7 billion to walk away AND gave him a $500 million credit line to replace the one that JPMC called when the IPO didn’t happen. Including prior payouts and the stock he sold before the IPO process started, he’s wheelbarrowed out over $3 billion in…
“A former senior vice president, Lisa Bridges, sued the company and the head of goddamn human resources in June, alleging equal pay violations, retaliation, sexual harassment, and gender discrimination.”
Gentle reminder that Human Resources is not your friend. They exist to protect the company. I’m not saying people…
That is so weird that a wannabe tech bro with bad management skills is also a complete douche.
For anyone tempted to vote Republican or third-way Democrat, this little tidbit should be the takeaway: