Just after you swallow your Ambien, stand in front of your full-length mirror in your shimmering turquoise lamé onesie and astronaut’s helmet. Who even are you Barbara? Is it who you wanted to be?
Just after you swallow your Ambien, stand in front of your full-length mirror in your shimmering turquoise lamé onesie and astronaut’s helmet. Who even are you Barbara? Is it who you wanted to be?
not all people with vaginas have the same experience of opression, right?
And yet, models have been celebrated for unhealthy disordered behaviors for ages, totally acceptable as long as they are thin. Cool cool cool.
she doesn’t need to point fingers at anyone to still say, “hey, just so y’all know, rapist in the halls.” she’s not dumb; naming names in the note would likely have gotten her in a lot more trouble. she’s also not one of the victims, so if she had named names, that would be another way that the…
I maintain that Trump’s pre-2016 Twitter Feed is really Future Trump’s consciousness, time traveled back to his own body, but the only way he can warn people is by tweeting out exactly what he’s going to do later. The kicker is that because Trump is such an egomaniac, he can only project what he’s going to do onto…
If there is so much as a goldfish on set, there is a designated monitor present to make sure the creature is not harmed during filming.
These are white women with hate in their heart joining up with white men with hate in their heart.
Immature potatoes harvested during the spring or summer are called new potatoes, or sometimes creamers or fingerlings. They are not a separate variety of potato, but younger versions of other varieties. The skin of new potatoes is generally thinner and flakier than the skin found on older potatoes, so they are rarely…
You mean this is the Nancy who’s been in power in the House for a year and a half and is just now waking the fuck up that maybe the president is an idiot that needs to be stopped? The Nancy who had to be coaxed into enforcing the laws that he’s been breaking for two and a half years, and only because the moderates in…
Danvers, Massachusetts. You may have heard of it by its original name: Salem Village. You know, where people ran around accusing their neighbors of being witches. Other than the name, not much changed in 300 years.
I took an intro Greek Mythology course in college. Day one the prof said he’d actually be covering a lot of mythologies including “Norse mythology, Chinese mythology, Christian mythology...” I’d never seen so many spines stiffen in horror at once. The class was a lot smaller the next time we met.
The combination of that much hair gel while being QUITE that smug always gets me with this family. Like, okay sure, he doesn’t have the self-awareness to hold up a metaphorical mirror to the bullshit he’s talking, but he MUST have access to ACTUAL mirrors, which would surely inform him that he always looks like a…
The Nancy Pelosi who is a corporatist and who I would much rather see replaced with someone who is younger, has more progressive ideas and specifically isn’t a corporatist?
I’ll continue my prayers for him to stroke out and be left without the ability to speak, while maintaining the ability to hear everyone around him call him out for the dumbass he is.
To a neo-fascist “conservative”, the Rojavans/SDF/Kurds are probably worse than ISIS*. The slogan of Rojava is “there is no revolution without women”. They are in many ways more progressive, egalitarian and secular than any western nation. Their existence proves that the patriarchal, autocratic and capitalistic…
Mom and I always gag at the “MY WONDERFUL, HANDSOME, PERFECT HUSBAND” and “MY BEAUTIFUL WIFE I’M BLESSED TO BE MARRIED TO” stuff, and were absolutely delighted to hear this. We just figured it was someone else who always gagged at all the endless praise people have for their spouses. The only thing that could be…
What kind of upside down world do you live in if Jeopardy is first? I have lived in multiple states, on both coasts, and in the north and the south. The wheel is first and Jeopardy is second.
Don’t do this. That is disingenuous af. The issue is people attacking DWade and Gabby and a child. This isn’t about cloutchasing or the rampant use of social media. That’s another issue.
Grown men were talking about putting hands on a child. The Thunburg situation isn’t about a teenager not being able to handle criticism. It’s about grown men having a sick obsession with dominating young women. GTFOH